La Luz De La Tormenta - The Light Of The Storm

Carlos Parada Ayala

Parada Ayala debuts in the world of US-Hispanic letters with this first book: a clamor in verse about humanity’s current struggles. His writing about the complexities of our lives is explicitly inspired by the best poetry of the Americas while also creating a new voice characterized by intensity and beauty.


Edited by José R. Ballesteros

ISBN: 978-0-9888090-0-0
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012956424



In the Light of the Storm the everyday vies with the absurd, which dances a cumbia with violence which lies down with exile and sorrow. Still, the poet says, the “heart lumbers onward like a whale,” always a “sleepless sailor,” a seeker. Carlos Parada Ayala’s inventive and even startling language makes new the immigrant tale, the worker’s struggle, the lover’s terror. I would follow this poet anywhere.

 En La luz de la tormenta el día a día se disputa con el absurdo, el cual danza una cumbia con la violencia, la que a su vez se acuesta con el exilio y la melancolía.  Aun así, el poeta expresa que el “corazón avanza cual ballena”, siempre un “marinero insomne”, un indagador.  El lenguaje inventivo y hasta sorprendente de Carlos Parada Ayala renueva la historia del inmigrante, la lucha del trabajador, el terror del amante. Yo seguiría a este poeta a donde fuera.

–Sarah Browning
Director of Split This Rock
Author of Whiskey in the Garden of Eden


In this first book of poems, Parada Ayala takes us by the hand to a diverse world of composite images where the voices of the people stand out, words reign, and love triumphs.

 En este primer poemario, Parada Ayala nos lleva de la mano a un mundo diverso de imágenes compuestas en donde se destacan las voces del pueblo, reina la palabra y triunfa el amor.

–Naomi Ayala
Author of Wild Animals on the Moon and This Side of Early